To strengthen its commitment to the development of quality and innovative nutritional products, Herbalife has assembled a renowned team of researchers, scientists and nutrition experts to guide its research and its development process.
Herbalife is committed to setting standards by which all nutrition companies are measured. We advance the science of nutrition through scientific research conducted around the world. Since 2003, we have dramatically increased our research and development spending to move forward in product development.
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In 2011, the company spent nearly $ 25 million in scientific research and development, technical operations, quality assurance and quality control, including product safety and product safety. conformity. The company spent an additional $ 11 million on nutrition, product licensing and sourcing strategy.
Herbalife brings together 180 scientists, 19 of whom hold doctorates. The internal team is supplemented by 30 consultant scientists, all with doctorates. From January 2011 to today, the company has carried out 12 clinical studies, 5 of which relate to the products of the Formula 1 * range.
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Chaired by Professor David Heber, the International Committee for Nutrition (NAB - Nutrition Advisory Board) aims to develop the nutrition research sector. It is made up of internationally renowned scientists, including Louis Ignarro, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine *. This marks the start of a new era for Herbalife which commands respect in scientific communities around the world.
The many-time-honored scientists who make up the NAB are the driving forces behind our research into quality nutritional products and their development for optimal nutrition. They represent a valuable source of knowledge about the benefits of dietary supplements and the optimal nutrition programs developed by the Herbalife Company.
* The Nobel Foundation has no affiliation with Herbalife and cannot endorse Herbalife products.
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* Note: Formula 1 is an existing product, which excludes it from Research and Development expenses reported under the current FASB rules, which only allow expenses to be classified as R&D if they relate to new products or significant changes in existing products.
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Herbalife has its own International Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB) which is committed to advancing the field of nutritional science.
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Chaired by Professor David Heber *, the International Committee for Nutrition (NAB - Nutrition Advisory Board) aims to develop the nutrition research sector. It is made up of internationally renowned scientists, including Louis Ignarro, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine **. This marks the start of a new era for Herbalife which commands respect in scientific communities around the world.
The multi-award-winning scientists who make up the NAB are the driving forces behind our research into balanced nutritional products and their development. They represent a valuable source of knowledge about the benefits of dietary supplements and the programs developed by the Herbalife Company. Steve Hening is Scientific Director of Herbalife.
** The Nobel Foundation has no affiliation with Herbalife and cannot endorse Herbalife products.
* Titles are shown for identification purposes only. It is the University of California's policy not to endorse any product or service for commercial purposes.
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.